*English Diary vol.1 ~about myself~
I study English long time , but I didn’t hard to study.
Though I was interested in English , but I’m not serious.
I’m so lazy , so I want to change.
I want to speak English fluently.
*Why do I study English ?
English is so cool ! I always think so.
Because I want to speak English !
That’s all reason for me.
I don’t use English for work.
*I study English seriously this year.
Last year , I started English group “GIC -Gunma International Club-“ in Takasaki , gunma.
The purpose of GIC is interchange with the foreigners and get the chance to speak english !
And I try to study English more this year.
- I study English seriously this year.
- I’ll make study session once a month.
- I write English dairy once a week.